PR in Politics

Politics is a funny thing in today’s world. Most people today are moderate, while the divide between the parties seems to grow wider. I grew up in a family that is highly passionate about politics and from that background, I have become very passionate about issues in politics. To this end, I have recently obtained an internship in Salem, Oregon with Rep. Kevin Cameron which I am extremely excited about.

However, I am wondering what the true role of public relations is in the political arena.

The answer to this can be found in anything that is publicized about a candidate or a current representative in our government. Public relations in the political arena is everywhere and involved in everything. It is in every news article and every media release. PR is invaluable to any politician and is a necessity in the political arena.

In Public Relations and Politics, the various uses of PR in politics are extensively stated. I found this article very helpful as I plan to enter the political public relations world very soon.


1 Comment »

  1. Tiffany Gallicano Said:


    I think you’ll enjoy reading the article below:

    Downes, E. J. (1998). Hacks, flacks, and spin doctors meet the media: An examination of the congressional press secretary as a (potential) public relations professional. Journal of Public Relations Research, 10, 263-286.

    You can download the article from our library. Search for the journal first and then you can find the article from there.


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